Before writing

Except for the time and peace, in order to write a good farewell speech, you need to gather enough information for your draft. Even when you firmly believe that you know everything about the deceased, we recommend you check his or her name and surname, date and place of birth, as well as some other details related to his or her life (such as the name of his or her spouse, children, school or faculty he or she has finished, place he or she grew up etc.), especially if you wish to mention his or her business achievements. You should also talk once again to someone about the chronology of events in order to be sure that what you are to talk about actually took place following the chronology as you see it.

In this way, you will refresh your memory and recall what only seemed as the moments of minor importance (such as: anecdotes, details which hav made someone's or your life better), which represent what each life story makes special. Emphasising or specifying dull dana is definitely not something that you should be doing. Standing for the last time in front of the one who is departing for the afterlife, your task is to convey to him or her, as well as to the ones listening to you, the message from your heart.