The protocol of the ceremony related to the peformance of the choir at the cemeteries in Zagreb

The protocol of the ceremony related to the peformance of the choir at the cemeteries in Zagreb foresees the signing of the first song during the transport of the deceased from the morgue into the hearse, the second one before the funeral procession and the third one at the grave site during the lowering of the casket carrying the deceased into the grave. We recommend you opt for the singing of the fourth song, as well, which could be played at the very end of the ceremony, thus completing the funeral ceremony.

In case the farewell includes the honours, speech or an additional song, the number of songs is to be adjusted to the limited duration of the ceremony.

In order to have a perfect funeral ceremony, every detail must be planned according to the proto-col since the very funeral ceremony does not allow for improvisation. Therefore, all the differences and changes to the ceremony are to be agreed with the master of the funeral ceremony before the ceremony begins.

At other cemeteries, music services are adjusted to the local and religious customs, and are agreed separately.